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LEED v2008
Innovation & Design Process
Durability management process


Homes-v2008 IDc2: Durability management process 3 points

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© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.


Note: USGBC and its representatives are responsible only for verifying the completion of LEED for Homes requirements; such verification in no way constitutes a warranty as to the appropriateness of the selected durability measures or the quality of implementation (see Disclaimer, page 2).


2.1 Durability planning. Prior to construction, the project team shall do the following:
  1. Complete the Durability Risk Evaluation Form to identify all moderate and high-risk durability issues for the building enclosure.
  2. Develop specific measures to respond to those issues.
  3. Identify and incorporate all the applicable indoor moisture control measures listed in Table 1.
  4. Incorporate the measures from 2.1(b) and (c), above, into project documents (drawings, specifications, and/or scopes of work, as appropriate).
  5. List all the durability measures and indicate their locations in the project documents in a durability inspection checklist. Include the checklist in project documents for use in verification.
Table 1
Location or equipment Required moisture control measure
Tub, showers and spa areas Use nonpaper-faced back board on walls
Kitchen, bathroom, laundry rooms, and spa areas Use water-resistant flooring; do not install carpet.
Entryway (within 3 feet of exterior door) Use water-resistant flooring; do not install carpet.
Tank water heater in or over living space Install drain and drain pan
Clothes washer in or over living space Install drain and drain pan, or install accessible single-throw supply valve.
Conventional clothes dryer Exhaust directly to outdoors
Condensing clothes dryer Install drain and drain pan
2.2 Durability management. During construction, the builder shall have a quality management process in place to ensure installation of the durability measures. This prerequisite can be satisfied by having the builder inspect and check off each measure in the durability inspection checklist created for 2.1(e), above. See all forum discussions about this credit »

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© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.


Note: USGBC and its representatives are responsible only for verifying the completion of LEED for Homes requirements; such verification in no way constitutes a warranty as to the appropriateness of the selected durability measures or the quality of implementation (see Disclaimer, page 2).


2.1 Durability planning. Prior to construction, the project team shall do the following:
  1. Complete the Durability Risk Evaluation Form to identify all moderate and high-risk durability issues for the building enclosure.
  2. Develop specific measures to respond to those issues.
  3. Identify and incorporate all the applicable indoor moisture control measures listed in Table 1.
  4. Incorporate the measures from 2.1(b) and (c), above, into project documents (drawings, specifications, and/or scopes of work, as appropriate).
  5. List all the durability measures and indicate their locations in the project documents in a durability inspection checklist. Include the checklist in project documents for use in verification.
Table 1
Location or equipment Required moisture control measure
Tub, showers and spa areas Use nonpaper-faced back board on walls
Kitchen, bathroom, laundry rooms, and spa areas Use water-resistant flooring; do not install carpet.
Entryway (within 3 feet of exterior door) Use water-resistant flooring; do not install carpet.
Tank water heater in or over living space Install drain and drain pan
Clothes washer in or over living space Install drain and drain pan, or install accessible single-throw supply valve.
Conventional clothes dryer Exhaust directly to outdoors
Condensing clothes dryer Install drain and drain pan
2.2 Durability management. During construction, the builder shall have a quality management process in place to ensure installation of the durability measures. This prerequisite can be satisfied by having the builder inspect and check off each measure in the durability inspection checklist created for 2.1(e), above.
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